Shaping a new urban future for Oodi Cluster villages Please spare a few minutes to give us your thoughts on this important and exciting undertaking. Are you a resident in any of these Kgatleng villages? *Select villageMmamashiaMatebeleOodiMokatseModipaneDikwididiNon-residentSelect2. Gender *MaleFemaleOtherWhat is your age?Select age7-18 years19-30 years31-40 years41-50 years51-60 years61 and AboveSelect4. What is the most common purpose of your trips to these villages? *WorkBusinessShoppingLeisureResidenceYou may tick more than one box5. Can you rank your personal experiences about the region against the following parameters:a. Vehicular access and connectivity between the villages.Very GoodGoodAveragePoorVery PoorIf your answer is 'poor' or very 'poor" state your reasonsMax. 100 words0 / 100b. Vehicular access and connectivity to GaboroneVery GoodGoodAveragePoorVery PoorIf your answer is 'poor' or very 'poor" state your reasonsMax. 100 words0 / 100c. Your impressions on the availability of public spaces.Very GoodGoodAveragePoorVery PoorIf your answer is 'poor' or very 'poor" state your reasonsMax. 100 words0 / 100d. Your experiences with the nature of stormwater drainage in any of these villagesVery GoodGoodAveragePoorVery PoorIf your answer is 'poor' or very 'poor" state your reasonsMax. 100 words0 / 1006. Do the villages have sufficient dedicated civic spaces for events? *YESNO7. Are these villages losing their cultural identify due to urban development? *YESNO8. Do you find all the goods and services you need in these villages? *YESNOa. If NO, state which services you would like to have available there.0 / 1009. Does this group of villages have sufficient housing? *YESNOa. If NO, what do you wish should be done?0 / 10010. Is the type of housing adequate? *YESNO11. Should the identity of masimo be maintained? *YESNO12. Do you feel masimo are being lost to urban development? *YESNO13. Is the process for land allocation transparent and efficient? *YESNO14. Is the process of Planning Permision application transparent and efficient? *YESNO15. Is waste management in the region good for the environment? *YESNO16. Can you summarize your main concerns about the region?0 / 30017. Can you summarize your main ideas on how the region should be improved to0 / 300 Submit